Friday, February 18, 2011

Wild Turkey

After Woodford Reserve, I didn't hold out hope that there would be anything that Wild Turkey could offer me.

We got to the distillery about 20mins before the next tour would take off.  To pass the time we checked out the gift shop.  But, in the back room area you could here one of the tour guides going through the tastings.  I have to admit I was a little excited because it sounded like we would get more than one sample to taste.

If Evan did any justice to the Woodford review then you know it was freakin' asesome.

Side Note: After reading my previous post and based on a conversation during the Trail, Evan and I came to the conclusion that we BOTH use the "f-word" waaaaay too much.  Hence the "freakin' awesome" wording.

So, Wild's the deal.  "apparently" the distillery is under construction so we couldn't ge the FULL tour.  Wait....I don't know why I put apparently in quotes, it's not a conspiracy. 
i think I'm drunk.


yep, drunk.

So the bottom line with Wild Turkey is when they took us into the aging warehouse, you could smell the Angel's Share (ie the evaporated bourbon) hanging in the air.  I'm quite sure that to Evan I looked like a koi gulping at the air b/c the olfactory sensation was so unique I couldn't get enough.  When we walked back outside I said to a fellow tour attendee, "Now we have to beathe this stupid regular air like all the other jerks." 

He said, "yep" but it was in a southern accent.

Below, me and Evan in front of a Wild Turkey.

Evan bought a bottle of Kentucky Spirit at Wild Turkey.  I told him the ONLY way I will take his picture is if he didn't pose all weird looking.  He didn't listen.

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