2010 "Brother of the Year" nominee, Matt Cornell, decided to get us concert tickets to Josh Ritter for my birthday. (song from most recent album and a cool video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxWxiuJRApU&feature=related). A few weeks later I found out that the opener would be none other than Frightened Rabbit lead singer, Scott Hutchison. For most (if not all) you're probably saying, "who?" to both the name and the band, but to me I could not have picked a better opener. (I expect a heavy dose of tunes from the album Midnight Organ Fight, maybe even this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkh33pvvG1U)
Last year Evan and I went to the Frightened Rabbit show in the Cleve and it was awesome. There were talks of going to a show in Pittsburgh in the fall, but like a more drawn out brilliant-drunk-idea-at-the-bar plan, the trip fell through. So naturally when this Ritter/Hutchison show popped up I thought of it as a second chance and that Evan should drop everything, drive down to Cincy in the middle of a week in February and go to this concert. When I contacted him in November, his response was, "the ONLY way I would go to this show is if we went on the bourbon trail afterwards."
Bluff called, my friend.

Next, the broad strokes of the trip came together.
Wednesday: Evan picks my up in columbus, and we head to the queen city for what I expect to be my favorite concert of 2011. Crash at brother's house in cincy.
Thursday: Drive to KY, tour the following distilleries: Woodford Reserve, Wild Turkey, Four Roses. Stay at a hotel nearby, soak up the local flavor, drink bourbon.
Friday: Wake up (NOT hung over, b/c we drank like pros and mixed in plenty of side water drinks during the debauchery from the night before) and tour the following distilleries: Jim Beam, Maker's Mark, Heaven Hill. Repeat thursday evening, maybe throw a white russian or a gin/soda into the mix just to cleanse the palate.
Saturday: Wake up (I'd like to say not hung over, but after two days/nights of bourbon drinking that might be asking a little much) and head back to cincy. Possible stop to see Joos's on the way home.
By popular demand we will update this blog to chronicle the trip, oh and by "popular demand" I mean Billy said, "hey you guys should blog about your trip".
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