Okay first off, it is 12:40ish in the am. That may not seem real late, but it kinda is. So, from here on out, any spelling, grammatical, or any other mistakes (including and ESPECIALLY cussing) is due to the booze.
Evan is asleep so I will try to type softly.....
Well the trip down to cincy was pretty enjoyable. I packed some mini Marker's Mark bottles for the trip and tried my hardest to wait as long as I could before indulging.
That lasted about 40 mins.
I had packed 6 mini (2 oz) bottles of the Mark, you know the kind they give on airplanes. Well my flight was the Ishida 747 and I was ready to start this mini-vacay. I knew this would be a fun trip just based on the ride down. We rocked out to a mix of Girl Talk, an XX/Biggie mash up and I even talked Evan into listening to (what I think) is maybe on of the greatest motivational songs of all time--Win In the End
(I don't know why I can't embed this video, but do yourself a HUGE favor and click on the link)
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="
http://www.youtube.com/embed/30sYk9B4OqU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
About 2 mins from the venue we stop for gas. I wouldn't say I was drunk at this point but....
Verbatim, this is what I wrote in my notebook:
"Holy Fuck. I think I'm drunk. The worst part is it's all on mini bottles of Marker's Mark. I wonder if I can go this whole trip JUST drinking bourbon? Evan says no. And you know it's probably not a good idea to even try, Evan is washing his windows. I have to pee. Bad. Eight shots of bourbon in under 2 hrs. Evan says the car smells like shit!"
In hindsight the car did smell like shit. And you know why? Because I accidently spilled half of one of those mini bourbon bottles on me. sucks to suck.
I need to wrap this up, I'm fading.
Okay, I could probably use some flowery language and some metephors and a whole bunch of writers' tricks, but the bottom line is I was border-line harrassing the Frightened Rabbit lead singer (aka Scott Huchison). I can't remember the EXACT conversation, but I think it had a lot to do with me saying how awesome his songs are. her's a fairly accurate sample:
Me: I love your songs.
Scott: Thanks.
Me: I'm the one who yelled for you to play "It's Christmas so We'll Stop".
Scott: oh yeah, well I haven't played that in a while.
Me: You should. It's fucking awesome.
Scott: oh Thanks.
Me: I'd say it's like your 4th best song. Hey, I'm sorry, I'm drunk (kinda) on bourbon.
Scott: no problem.
Me: Here ...(I give him my last mini Maker's Mark bottle)..you.....you've earned it.
Scott: oh, thank you.
The rest of the conversation consisted of me telling him to bring the band to columbus to play.
Oh, and Josh Ritter was pretty amazing too. Evan had one complaint--he smiled too much. Granted he did smile a lot but not enough for me to be put off by it. Best song---Girl In The War:
<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="
http://www.youtube.com/embed/BdobffvLPPA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
All in all, a fantastic concert. Oh, I think I also bought like $60 of merch but I can't remember what I got...
Here is a picture with me, Evan, and Scott Hutchison and his brother Grant (also in Frightened Rabbitt)
Guess who the drunk one is?
After the show we called up my brother for directions to the nearest Skyline. We got lost. We ended up at a Gold Star. Again, an excerpt from my notebook:
Fuck Me. In line at Gold Star. We love chili dogs. I think I love them more than Evan because I ordered more. Gave my last bottle of mini-Maker's to Scott Hutchison. I'm kinda regretting it now. Evan is regretting it too. Niether of us know if wer're in OH or KY right now. I need to pee. To take my mind off that I think I'll text some people...
If sent you a text---sorry.
Just set my alarm for 6:15am. Man I hope I get up. I have hot date with the Woodford Reserve Distillery in 8 hrs.